The Hold of Anxiety: What are we fighting?

The Hold of Anxiety: What are we fighting?

Throughout my nearly 20 years of practicing therapy, I have come to realize more than ever that those who experience anxiety believe that the anxiety is in control. As if they do not have a fighting chance of beating it. Many anxiety sufferers believe they have to...
What is Social Anxiety

What is Social Anxiety

There is actually a very high prevalence of social anxiety with numbers reaching up to 15 million people in the United States. There are many misconceptions about what social anxiety is and how it effects those that have it. Traits of Social Anxiety: Social anxiety...
EMDR Therapy

EMDR Therapy

Many people come to my office and have heard about EMDR therapy and that it is highly effective yet they do not know how it works.  EMDR is a powerful therapeutic tool that helps free people from the emotional, cognitive, and/or physical charge they consciously or...
The Art of Letting Go

The Art of Letting Go

People often find themselves irritated, operating at their max capacity, or weighed down. Perhaps some feel as if they are gripping on tightly to certain aspects in their life and cannot let go, or simply feeling sad. Many individuals can identify the feeling, but...