Why and When Teens Need to Get into Therapy

Why and When Teens Need to Get into Therapy

Let’s dive into something that’s super important but often overlooked: therapy for teens. Now, I know what you might be thinking—therapy sounds serious, maybe even a bit scary. But here’s the truth: therapy is one of the best tools out there for helping...
Boundaries are Easier Said than Done

Boundaries are Easier Said than Done

We throw the word boundaries around a lot. We know that we should have healthy boundaries to achieve our optimal mental health and life goals, but that is often easier said than done. Boundaries are limits you set between yourself and others or things (ie: phones,...
The Hold of Anxiety: What are we fighting?

The Hold of Anxiety: What are we fighting?

Throughout my nearly 20 years of practicing therapy, I have come to realize more than ever that those who experience anxiety believe that the anxiety is in control. As if they do not have a fighting chance of beating it. Many anxiety sufferers believe they have to...
Gaslighting: A Term Everyone Needs to Know

Gaslighting: A Term Everyone Needs to Know

The psychological term “gaslighting” came from a movie made in 1944 called Gaslight. The premise of the movie is a husband basically makes his wife feel like she is going crazy through his psychological strategy now called gaslighting. So why should we all learn about...